
Showing posts with the label top tabs

Android Tabs with ViewPagerIndicaor Library

Hello, In one of my project, I have used ViewPagerIndicator Libary from JakeWharton with ActionBarCompat Libary. I have created simple project with tabs using TabPageIndicator Class in VPI Libray and Swipe Gestures with ViewPager Class. Step 1:  Import ViewPagerIndicatorLibrary and ActionBarCompat Library to the Eclipse using File--> Import --> Select the Library located on your computer. Step 2: Download the source code provided below and import the project. Step 3: Add Library's to the Main Project using Select Project---> Right Click --> Properties  --> Select Android on the Left Side Pane---> Go to down on the right side --> Click Add ---> now Select above two appropriate Libraries and click ok. Step 4: Clean the Project if you are getting any errors  Run the Project. This is the ScreenShot of the app You can download Source code from dropbox.