
Showing posts with the label tabs

Android Tabs with out ActionBar

In the Previous post, I created a project with VPI Libary and AppCompat Library to Show Swipy Tabs in android. But , If i don't want the ActionBar at the Top, We can hide/remove it through styles.xml file Styles.xml ========= NoActionBar  <style name="NoActionBar" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light">         <item name="android:windowActionBar">false</item>         <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item>     </style> For full Screen  <style name="NoActionBar" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light">         <item name="android:windowActionBar">false</item>         <item name="android:windowNoTitle">true</item> < item name = "android:windowFullscreen" > true </ item >     </style> ScreenShot of the app ---------------------- Android tabs without ActionBar

Android Bottom Tabs with ViewPagerIndicator Libary

Hello, In previous post, I have used ViewPagerIndicator Libary from JakeWharton with ActionBarCompat Libary. We Can Place Tabs in the bottom in android through VPI Library. Android Design Guideliness suggests tabs must in the top. But this is not a recommended. This is the ScreenShot of the app Source code will be updated soon in the Dropbox

Android Tabs with ViewPagerIndicaor Library

Hello, In one of my project, I have used ViewPagerIndicator Libary from JakeWharton with ActionBarCompat Libary. I have created simple project with tabs using TabPageIndicator Class in VPI Libray and Swipe Gestures with ViewPager Class. Step 1:  Import ViewPagerIndicatorLibrary and ActionBarCompat Library to the Eclipse using File--> Import --> Select the Library located on your computer. Step 2: Download the source code provided below and import the project. Step 3: Add Library's to the Main Project using Select Project---> Right Click --> Properties  --> Select Android on the Left Side Pane---> Go to down on the right side --> Click Add ---> now Select above two appropriate Libraries and click ok. Step 4: Clean the Project if you are getting any errors  Run the Project. This is the ScreenShot of the app You can download Source code from dropbox.